Alexander Kriech Alexander Kriech

Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (December 4th, 2021)

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: 12°

December 4th, 2021

12:33 AM MST

This December 4th we have a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius.

If you have been keeping up on my newsletters or social media, you may know already that an Eclipse is like a supercharged New or Full Moon. Eclipses pack a much bigger wallop than a regular lunation. The effects of an eclipse can reverberate for several months. If an eclipse hits a sensitive point in your birth chart, you are much more likely to feel its effects.

This Eclipse on December 4th is a Solar Eclipse, so a supercharged New Moon. As it’s a New Moon, it does tend to bring new beginnings and mark the beginning of a new cycle. However, since it’s an eclipse, it also may signal experiences of endings and letting things go, to make room for the new beginnings to come in.

If you consider yourself to be more “tuned in” or energetically sensitive, I find the time around eclipses to be a pretty powerful time to be receiving guidance from your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, The Universe, etc. As an intuitive, as well as an Astrologer, I definitely am finding my dream space to be very loud lately, almost like the guidance I’m receiving, is extra potent. The same goes for my waking life!

Because of the powerful, unpredictable, and often inflammatory energies of eclipses, I do NOT recommend any of your magically inclined folks out there to try to manifest, make moon water, or attempt spell casting on the eclipse, like you may during a regular new or full moon.

While you may be indeed experiencing or creating new beginnings, I just don't recommend manifesting during the eclipse. Instead, make sure that you are resting and staying well-hydrated.

The Signs:

This Eclipse occurs in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a Fire sign, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, optimism, and faith. Sagittarius is a sign that represents a search for truth and higher meaning, is associated with travel, and a tendency to learn about life by experiencing it.

The Aspects:

Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius (therefore its placement is important to look at when determining the energy of this eclipse) is currently wrapping up its journey through Aquarius. During the time of the Eclipse, it will square Mars, the planet of action, energy, and conflict. This can signal that some of you may feel energized and confident around the eclipse but watch for the tendency to overdo or take on too much.

Additionally, Venus, the planet of relationships, money, and what we value, will be in Capricorn, nearing a conjunction with Pluto, planet of depth and transformation. Venus will be retrograde later on this month, so during this eclipse, we may be reviewing or re-assessing our relationships, money, and what we value in general. I’ll send out an email as that date gets closer.

To find out what area of life you may feel the Solar Eclipse's energy, find your Rising Sign below. Otherwise, if you don't know your Rising Sign, look to your Sun Sign below. (To calculate your Rising Sign, you'll need an accurate birth time. Click here to calculate your Rising Sign)

Aries: Long-Distance Travel, Publishing, Broadcasting, Higher Education, Beliefs, Mind Expansion

Taurus: Finances (Credit, Loans, Taxes, Inheritances, Shared Resources or Partner’s Money) Intimacy, Transformation

Gemini: One-on-One Relationships, Committed Partners, Clients, Adversaries

Cancer: Work, Daily Routine, Physical Health/Wellness, Pets, Employees

Leo: Romance, Creativity, Self-Expression, Recreation, Children

Virgo: Home, Family, Private Life, Roots, Ancestors, Real Estate

Libra: Communication, Learning, Short-Distance Travel, Local Neighborhood, Siblings/Extended Family, Media

Scorpio: Earned Income, Assets, Finances, Self-Worth, Values

Sagittarius: Identity, Approach to Life, Physical Body, Personal Energy

Capricorn: Subconscious, Rest, Retreat, Dreams, Imagination, Spirituality

Aquarius: Casual friends, Groups, Networking, Colleagues, Hopes/Wishes

Pisces: Career, Achievement, Reputation, Public Status, Bosses/Authority Figures

Other Tidbits on the Eclipse and the United States:

Below is information regarding my personal thoughts on the Eclipse and the United States. Read on if you feel guided!

These eclipses, especially the one upcoming on December 4th, may have a great impact on the United States and may signal that great change (and possibly some more turbulence) are upcoming for the country.

In Astrology, everything can have a birth chart, not just people. This means countries, events, businesses, and everything in between has a birth chart, if we know where and when it was conceived. The most popular birth chart for the United States, known as the Sibly chart, has a Sagittarius Ascendant. The Ascendant represents one’s attitude and approach to life, and is a critical component of the birth chart.

The United States, according to the Sibley birth chart, has 12 degrees of Sagittarius on the Ascendant. The upcoming eclipse in Sagittarius is 12 degrees. This, combined with the United States’ upcoming Pluto Return, suggests that the U.S. is due for major transformation and possibly some turbulence post-Eclipse. As a Solar Eclipse, it does represent new beginnings, but because it is an eclipse, it is likely to be preceded by a time of continued turbulence and growing pains.

As we are heading into our first Pluto Return in February of 2022 (more on that in posts to come), I would expect secrets and shadows to be exposed on both sides of the political spectrum, and an energetic “cleaning house” of what is dysfunctional in our governmental and economic systems over the next several years. I feel like this Eclipse may kick things off a bit early.

It also suggests that the U.S. may take a serious blow from the newest Covid variant. Take necessary health precautions and maybe have some extra supplies on hand, just in case. (Not saying go into fear-mode, but you may want to be ahead of the game a bit!) There is disruptive energy happening at the end of the month, that may impact the world's (especially the United States') economy and supply chains, so having some extra supplies in your pantry and taking care of your loved ones and neighbors may be a good idea.

It’s also noteworthy that on June 5th, 2020, during the height of the George Floyd protests in the United States, we had our first eclipse in this series of Sagittarius/Gemini eclipses. That one was also conjunct the United States Ascendant, although the one coming up this week is even closer. This Eclipse may continue the ongoing events set off by that eclipse, so I would expect news articles about institutionalized racism, police violence/reform, and related topics to surface once more in the public consciousness.

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Alexander Kriech Alexander Kriech

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - November 19th, 2021

The Astrology of the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, November 19th 2021

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: 27°

November 19th, 2021

Eclipse season is once again upon us. Eclipses are more powerful versions of Full or New Moons, and in this case, this is a lunar eclipse, so you can think of it as a supercharged Full Moon in Taurus.

However, Eclipses are much more unpredictable than regular Full Moons. These lunations often coincide with significant, dramatic endings and new beginnings, and can coincide with dramatic events in our lives and in the collective, depending on how it hits your chart. The effects of an eclipse can play out over several months.

Additionally, like any Full Moon, this may be a time of completion, culmination, things coming to fruition and illumination.

Eclipses always come in pairs, and the next eclipse will be a Solar Eclipse on December 4th.

For the past two-ish years, the eclipses have occurred in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, and those of you with Gemini and Sagittarius (and some of you Virgos and Pisces) may have experienced significant changes or transformation in your life over the past two years.

This Eclipse marks the beginning of major transformation for the Fixed signs (including Leo and Aquarius) but especially for Taurus and Scorpio, starting now and lasting through 2022.

Because of the powerful, unpredictable, and often inflammatory energies of eclipses, I do NOT recommend any of your magically inclined folks out there to try to manifest, make moon water, or attempt spell casting on the eclipse, like you may during a regular new or full moon.

Instead, this is a time to release, surrender, and practice self-care.

This Eclipse is the longest eclipse in over 500 years. That and the aspects occurring with this eclipse means this eclipse is extra-potent.

The Signs:

This Eclipse occurs in the sign of Taurus, a fixed Earth sign known for its longevity, productivity, sensuality, and love of the good life. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, harmony, money, and relationships. This lunation may have you asking yourself “what in my life is going to last the test of time? What am I focusing on that may just be a flash in the pan? How can I nourish myself more?”

The Aspects:

Mars, the planet of action, will be opposing Uranus just two days before the eclipse. This speaks to lingering feelings of impatience and volatility surrounding the eclipse. Taurus is known for its love of stability, but considering that Uranus, the planet of revolution and freedom is currently in Taurus, this may be a time when some of you may be considering taking a step in an exciting, new, unknown direction.

Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is entering its pre-retrograde shadow in Capricorn. Venus will go retrograde at the end of December 2021, where we will be reviewing our relationships, finances, and things that hold value in our lives. These themes may start to crop up during this eclipse.

Venus is also making a harmonious trine to Uranus, meaning that some of you may experience an unexpected boost in your finances or relationships, or may simply feel like treating yourself in a way that is out of the ordinary.

The Moon in Taurus will be opposing Mercury in Scorpio during the eclipse. This link to the Moon indicates that we may be delving deep, researching, or communicating about matters that pertain to the personal, private, or deep. This could also indicate researching or communicating about financial matters.

The Moon’s square to Jupiter also may indicate feelings of expansion and optimism surrounding this eclipse, but be careful to not over-extend yourself or over-commit during this time.

Lastly, the Eclipse will be making a flowing sextile to Pluto, the planet of transformation. This is an energy supporting emotional healing, transformation, change, and looking for answers beneath the surface.

To find out what area of life you may feel the Lunar Ecliipse's energy, find your Rising Sign below. Otherwise, if you don't know your Rising Sign, look to your Sun Sign below. (To calculate your Rising Sign, you'll need an accurate birth time. Click here to calculate your Rising Sign)

Aries: Earned Income, Assets, Finances, Self-Worth, Values

Taurus: Identity, Approach to Life, Physical Body, Personal Energy

Gemini: Subconscious, Rest, Retreat, Dreams, Imagination, Spirituality

Cancer: Casual friends, Groups, Networking, Colleagues, Hopes/Wishes

Leo: Career, Achievement, Reputation, Public Status, Bosses/Authority Figures

Virgo: Long-Distance Travel, Publishing, Broadcasting, Higher Education, Beliefs, Mind Expansion

Libra: Finances (Credit, Loans, Taxes, Inheritances, Shared Resources or Partner’s Money) Intimacy, Transformation

Scorpio: One-on-One Relationships, Committed Partners, Clients, Adversaries

Sagittarius: Work, Daily Routine, Physical Health/Wellness, Pets, Employees

Capricorn: Romance, Creativity, Self-Expression, Recreation, Children

Aquarius: Home, Family, Private Life, Roots, Ancestors, Real Estate

Pisces: Communication, Learning, Short-Distance Travel, Local Neighborhood, Siblings/Extended Family, Media

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Alexander Kriech Alexander Kriech

New Moon in Libra - Power Surge

New Moon Date/Time:

Wednesday, October 6th, at 5:05 PM Mountain Time

As with any New Moon, this is a time of new beginnings and setting intentions. While this New Moon is in Libra, a social Air sign known for bringing a sense of balance, peace, fairness, creativity and aesthetics - this is an unusually ferocious and active New Moon.

The New Moon occurs the same day as Pluto, planet of power and transformation, stations direct. This is significant, as the day a planet stations direct, it tends to pull focus and we notice its energy more than usual. Pluto direct can make us aware of where we may have been hiding our power, and it’s station may make us feel like “I am ready, so get out of my way!”

The New Moon is also conjunct Mars, planet of action, energy, and conflict. Since Mars can represent out energy levels and motivation, this may be a good day to initiate a project or something that requires effort. At the same time, if you have been frustrated by something or a relationship, you may speak your mind or just feel a little more irritable than usual today.

Mercury, retrograde in Libra, will also be making an awkward connection with Neptune, the planet of dreams and imagination. This strained connection between these planets may manifest as lack of clarity in communication or confusion, especially because Mercury is still retrograde. So while there may be new beginnings with this New Moon, it may take a hot minute for you to see the results that you want.

The energy, in general, this month is rather slow, as many planets are stationing direct during this month, but it will take time for them to build up speed and make things happen.

For what area of life will be activated by this New Moon, look for your Rising Sign below. Otherwise, if you don't know your Rising Sign, look to your Sun Sign below. (To calculate your Rising Sign, you'll need an accurate birth time. Click here to calculate your Rising Sign)

Aries:: One-on-One Relationships, Committed Partners, Clients, Adversaries

Taurus: : Work, Daily Routine, Physical Health/Wellness, Pets, Employees

Gemini: Romance, Creativity, Self-Expression, Recreation, Children

Cancer: Home, Family, Private Life, Roots, Ancestors, Real Estate

Leo: Communication, Learning, Short-Distance Travel, Local Neighborhood, Siblings/Extended Family, Media

Virgo: Earned Income, Assets, Finances, Self-Worth, Values

Libra: Identity, Approach to Life, Physical Body, Personal Energy

Scorpio: Subconscious, Rest, Retreat, Dreams, Imagination, Spirituality

Sagittarius: Casual friends, Groups, Networking, Colleagues, Hopes/Wishes

Capricorn: Career, Achievement, Reputation, Public Status, Bosses/Authority Figures

Aquarius: Beliefs, Long-Distance Travel, Publishing, Broadcasting, Higher Education

Pisces: Finances (Credit, Loans, Taxes, Inheritances, Shared Resources or Partner’s Money) Intimacy, Transformation

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Alexander Kriech Alexander Kriech

Weekly Astrology 10/4 - 10/10

10/4 Mercury trine Jupiter

Mercury, the planet of communication and perception, currently retrograde in Libra, forms a harmonious, flowing trine to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and optimism. This is great energy to expand your mind, communicate, write, or study. This is also excellent energy to help find solutions to an issue or open your mind to new ideas that you may not have considered before.

Due to Mercury’s Retrograde motion, we will have this aspect again on November 1st, when Mercury is direct.

10/6 Pluto Direct

Pluto in Astrology is the planet of death, rebirth, and transformation. Where we have Pluto in our birth charts indicates where we may experience issues around power, obsession, and control.

Pluto has been retrograde since around April 27th. While this planet going retrograde is quite common and lasts for several months, when any planet stations direct, you can feel it in your personal world. Pluto going direct may feel like a surge of personal power, and this can be a powerful time to set intentions, as it happens the same day as the New Moon in Libra.

10/6 New Moon in Libra

See separate blog post!

10/7 Venus in Sagittarius

Venus, the planet of love, relationships, values, money, and harmony, leaves guarded, intense Scorpio and ingresses into Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and optimism. This is a much lighter sign for Venus to travel through, and this energy will help significantly to lighten up the collective energy. Venus in Sagittarius delights in fun, adventure, and keeping things on the lighter side. This is an energy that enjoys exploring new lands and expanding the mind.

Where Venus is transiting through your chart can tell you what area of life you will experience the energy of Venus. This is where you can expect more harmony, pleasure, and creativity.

(Horoscopes are best read for your Rising Sign - to calculate yours you will need time, date, and birth location. Accuracy is essential. Click here to calculate your Rising Sign. Otherwise, look at your Sun Sign!)

Aries: Beliefs, Long-Distance Travel, Publishing, Broadcasting, Higher Education

Taurus: Finances (Credit, Loans, Taxes, Inheritances, Shared Resources or Partner’s Money) Intimacy, Transformation

Gemini: One-on-One Relationships, Committed Partners, Clients, Adversaries

Cancer: Work, Daily Routine, Physical Health/Wellness, Pets, Employees

Leo: Romance, Creativity, Self-Expression, Recreation, Children

Virgo: Home, Family, Private Life, Foundation, Roots, Ancestors, Real Estate

Libra: Communication, Learning, Short-Distance Travel, Local Neighborhood, Siblings/Extended Family, Media

Scorpio: Earned Income, Assets, Finances, Self-Worth, Values

Sagittarius: Identity, Approach to Life, Physical Body, Personal Energy

Capricorn: Subconscious, Rest, Retreat, Dreams, Imagination, Spirituality

Aquarius: Casual friends, Groups, Networking, Colleagues, Hopes/Wishes

Pisces: Career, Achievement, Reputation, Public Status, Bosses/Authority Figures

10/8 - 10/9 Sun conjunct Mercury, Mars

This is tricky energy. The Sun in Libra is conjunct, meaning blending its energy, with Mercury, the planet of communication, and Mars, the planet of action and conflict.

Let’s talk about Mercury and Mars first. Since September 15th, these two planets have been co-present in Libra. So while their energy blending is most potent around October 9th, we still have been experiencing these planets inhabiting the same sign. There has been a need for diplomacy, tact, yet direct communication revolving around relationships (Libra.) Mars doesn’t quite feel at home in Libra, as Mars is the planet of aggression, and Libra is a sign of peace and balance. While Mars transits through this sign, we may be learning lessons on standing up for ourselves and resolving conflicts, but doing it in a way that is tactful.

The October 9th conjunction’s influence can bring a sense of combativeness, or you may be more likely to communicate with a sense of force. Watch the urge to be unnecessarily combative around this date. However, if you do need to send a strongly-worded email or speak your mind, this energy may help you do so. Just be sure not to go overboard.

Additionally, this energy can also help you to “power through” and accomplish tasks that require lots of energy, especially projects that require mental energy, due to the influence of Mercury.

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Alexander Kriech Alexander Kriech

Mercury Retrograde in Libra

Merc Rx in Libra: 9/27 -10/3

Mercury, the planet of communication, stations retrograde on September 27th, 2021, moving backwards through the Zodiac, before stationing direct on October 18th.

Mercury Retrograde transits can often bring a sense of dread to folks who know a little bit about Astrology, as it does have a reputation for causing a sense of havoc, correlating with technology going on the fritz, e-mails mysteriously disappearing, and communication mishaps. 

While all of these are certainly more likely to happen, Mercury goes Retrograde 3-4 times a year, and like it or not, this transit certainly serves a higher purpose.

When Mercury is Retrograde, it provides an opportunity for pause, reflection, review, and reconsideration in all life areas. Retrogrades can be a special time because they offer us pause, an opportunity to go within. However, you want to pay special attention to where it is transiting in your chart, and to Natal placements at 25 Degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn, as these areas will be more sensitively affected. Additionally, if you have Gemini/Virgo Rising or Sun, you may want to pay more attention to this Retrograde, as Mercury is your ruling planet. 

If at all possible, pause on entering into important agreements, signing contracts, or making major decisions during Mercury Retrograde. That being said, life happens, and if you have to, it’s usually not a big deal. However, after the Retrograde is over, you may have to make some adjustments if major decisions were made during the Retrograde. 

With Mercury in Libra, the sign of Scales, issues around fairness and balance may arise, especially in your relationships, as Libra is a social sign. Additionally, being this is a Retrograde, previously held agreements and contracts may be up for review at this time. 

Mars, planet of conflict and action, is also in Libra during this Retrograde, and many of us may find ourselves having tense discussions or taking action regarding fairness and balance in our relationships. Keep an eye on October 9th-10th, as Mars and Mercury will be making a conjunction at that time - that time period is more likely to have argument, conflict, or simply passionate and heated discussion. 

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Alexander Kriech Alexander Kriech

Weekly Astrology 9/27 - 10/3

Weekly Astrology 9/27 - 10/3

Weekly Astrological Influences for the week of September 27th:

9/29 Venus Trine Neptune

Venus, planet of love, relationships, pleasure, and aesthetics, dances with Neptune, planet of dreams, imagination, and Spirituality. Neptune adds a sense of glamour and ethereal energy to Venus’ natural sense of beauty, elevating and adding a dream-like quality to anything that is pleasurable. The trine, a flowing aspect, brings out the best in both planets. This energy is excellent for anything creative, social, or romantic. This energy may also just be an excellent excuse to daydream the day away. Enjoy!

9/29 Sun Trine Saturn

The Sun in Libra blends its energy with Saturn, the planet of structure, limitation, and discipline. This is a good energy for tacking the to-do list and getting to work. This energy is also useful for curbing bad habits and setting healthy boundaries. 

9/30 Venus Square Jupiter

These planets may be forming a square, which is an aspect that is not the most comfortable, that can produce conflict and motivate us into action. However, these two planets are considered the benefics of the Zodiac, so even when they’re squaring one another, there is still a lot of good to be found. Venus, planet of relationships, money, and beauty, is getting a lift from Jupiter, planet of expansion and optimism. There are feelings of good-will and generosity with this transit, along with the urge to “treat yo’self.” However, just keep an eye on your spending, as the square can cause excess, the tendency to over-do it. However, in general, this is a feel-good transit, and you may be feeling optimistic about your relationships with others. Overall, this is an excellent time to mingle and look at the glass as half-full for once. 

10/1 Mercury Square Pluto

Mercury, planet of communication, in Libra, the diplomat, makes a dynamic, tense aspect to Pluto, planet of transformation. This is the second hit of this transit, the first being September 22nd. Mercury is Retrograde, meaning you may be reviewing and re-visiting a conversation or idea. This transit can bring tense, intense, and deep conversations about things that can be uncomfortable to talk about. This can either be a conversation had with someone else, or it can be a conversation with yourself. This transit also heightens your investigative prowess and depth of thought. 

10/2 Venus Sextile Pluto 

Venus, goddess of love, makes a harmonious aspect to Pluto, planet of depth and transformation. This transit gives depth and a certain intensity to your pleasurable interactions today, whether they’re with friends, or with lovers. Venus, currently in Scorpio, has a reputation for being magnetic and intense, and it is not entirely undeserved. This can be a great transit to get in touch with your sexuality or creative energy.

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