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Astrology Readings

I am a professionally trained Astrologer and Numerologist, studying these subjects since 2009. As of November 2021, I am certified as a Natal and Predictive Astrologer with globally known Predictive Astrologer Debra Clement.

As you took your first breath, the exact positioning of the planets, their Signs, and the aspects they make with one another shed light on your Soul’s gifts, destiny, life’s purpose, and lessons. Your Soul chose the exact moment and circumstances when it was to be born, and the sky at that moment is a guide to uncovering the nuances of your Soul in this lifetime.

An Astrology Reading can help you to get more in touch with yourself, as well as understand the cosmic timing at play in your life.

(Please note: All Astrology Readings also incorporate your Numerology when appropriate)

What can you expect from an Astrology Reading with me?

New Client Consultation: ($175 - 90 Minutes)

Your birth chart contains the blueprint of your Soul and can provide a roadmap on how to navigate your life.

This is a thorough, in-depth analysis of your Natal Chart (or birth chart). Beginning with the Ascendant, I thoroughly delineate each house (life areas), planets, and aspects they make in your birth chart. 

I share detailed information about your unique character, gifts, and potential, as well as shed light on how to navigate your likely challenges and pitfalls. While I touch on all life areas, this reading can be tailored to your specific focus, such as career, money, or relationships.

A New Client Consult also includes a future forecast as part of the consultation (see below).

Return Client Consulation: ($125 - 1 Hour)

In this reading, I focus on the current cycles around you now and what to expect over the next year.

(This session is for returning Astrology clients only. All new client readings include a future forecast.)

I do an overview of the cycles playing out over the next year, while giving a more detailed analysis of the next 6 months.

I forecast energetic trends, as well as identify specific turning points and precise time-frames, allowing you to understand the cycles of your life and make the best decisions.

During your forecast reading, I look at your transits, eclipses, progressions, and solar return chart, as well as incorporate your Numerology cycles to give you a complete look at what to expect in the next year.

All sessions may be recorded for your convenience, at no additional charge. (Highly recommended!)

All sessions must be paid for in advance upon scheduling.

(If you would rather pay with Venmo or CashApp, or if you have questions on scheduling, email me at

All sessions have the option to be recorded at no extra charge, for your convenience. Please see my recording policy.

If you don’t see a time that works for or there are not times available, please email me at

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Intuitive Readings

I am a professionally trained psychic and medium, working professionally in this arena since 2015. What do I mean by “professionally trained”? Well - I spent the better part of a year taking rigorous psychic development classes with a globally reknown teacher - learning to meditate, work with energy and Spirit Guides, harnessing my natural psychic ability and giving it structure. Since 2015 I’ve worked with well over 1000 clients, channeling healing messages from Spirit Guides, and forecasting probable future events with a high degree of accuracy.

(See my testimonials here!)

What can you expect from an intuitive reading session with me?

I see energy, pictures, and images in my mind’s eye (clairvoyance), receive auditory and telepathic information (clairaudience) connect to a higher sense of “knowing” (claircognizance) and feel sensations and energy in my physical body (clairsentience).

I open the reading by saying a prayer and connecting to your Higher Self and Spirit Team, and also open an energetic connection to the Akashic Records - a record of your Soul’s history, allowing me to see the “higher perspective” of what’s going on in your life now.

I begin with a Rose Reading, a technique that helps me to hone into your current energy - I “see” your energy as a Rose or other psychic symbol in my mind’s eye, letting me know your current energetic state of being and what you’re working on as a Soul.

After doing the Rose Reading and initial communication from Spirit Guides, I open the reading up to you, allowing you to ask questions about any area of your life.

People often choose to ask about the following life areas:

  • Career, Money, Finances

  • What’s Coming Up in Your Likely Future

  • General Path/Life Purpose

  • Family, Moving (Including Real Estate Purchasing/Selling)

  • Relationships, Dating, Love

  • Who Your Spirit Guides Are, Your Intuitive Gifts

  • What’s Coming Up in Your Likely Future

  • Past Lives

(Please note that while I am able to connect with passed-over loved ones, it is not my current focus at this time. However, I can certainly bring them through in a session.)

All sessions may be recorded for your convenience.

All sessions must be paid for in advance upon scheduling.

Book via the button below.

30 Minutes: $90

45 Minutes: $120

60 Minutes: $150

(If you would rather pay with Venmo or CashApp, or if you have questions on scheduling, email me at

If you don’t see a time that works for or there are not times available, please email me.

All sessions have the option to be recorded at no extra charge, for your convenience. Please see my recording policy.

Combo Readings (Intuitive + Astrology)

Can’t decide on an Astrology or Intuitive session?

This is a special combination reading that draws upon my talents as an psychic/medium and my Astrological skills.

This reading begins with an intuitive reading, where I tune into your energy + Spirit Guides and answer any questions you may have (for more info what happens in an intuitive reading, see the above section).

After the intuitive reading is completed, we’ll look at your Astrology for further clarification and insight. I prepare your chart ahead of time and take a careful look at the current Astrological cycles playing out in your life now, and also take a look at the next few months down the road.

This reading is especially helpful as Astrology can help narrow down time-frames, and give further context to information received in an intuitive reading.

All sessions may be recorded for your convenience.

All sessions must be paid for in advance upon scheduling.

For best results, accurate birth information is required.

Book via the button below.

60 Minutes: $150

90 Minutes: $175

(If you would rather pay with Venmo or CashApp, or if you have questions on scheduling, email me at

If you don’t see a time that works for or there are not times available, please email me at

All sessions have the option to be recorded at no extra charge, for your convenience. Please see my recording policy.